"Quote From Dennis Oh And His Pic Too, Mins Is Just A Place Holder, About How Awesome We Are"
Dennis The Man
Conversion Interactive Agency
Unlike the job boards, LzRecruit network does not fill your pipeline with matched leads. We never share your leads with other carriers. Stop wasting your time; fill your pipeline with direct leads interested in your open positions.
LzRecruit Network optimizes budgets and campaign strategies, improving your cost per lead, and lowering your overall cost per hire. Our average client sees their cost per lead drop by ?%
The average LzRecruit Network client sees their time to hire improve by ? days. Getting the right leads out of the gate and not wasting time chasing matched leads lowers your costs and improves your hiring time.
LzRecruit Network offers all the latest technology your recruiters need to increase their efficiency. The LZ Recruit suite helps your team remove bias, increase recruiter response time, and simplify your recruitment process. Our LzRecruit Network tools integrate with your ATS, providing a seamless, easy-to-use solution.
LzRecruit Network focuses on 1st party targeting to develop and manage PPC, SEM, SEO, Email, Text, and Call campaigns. Our systems are lightyears ahead of sources that rely on the doomed Cookie, a tool that is going extinct in our fast-paced industry. From ad placement to organic social media, LzRecruit Network is the leader in omnichannel campaign strategy, development, and management. Don't waste your time on old techniques; you need a network that looks to the future.
LzRecruit Network provides each client with a dedicated team of marketing strategists, content developers, and programmers. They will craft and manage your recruitment marketing strategy, built to fit your unique needs, and provide on-call support, weekly and monthly strategy meetings, and reports. Your results are their only priority!
12+ Years Transportation/Warehousing/Logistics Recruitment Marketing.
Long-Term Customer Satisfaction - 90% Retention Rate. The Average Customer Stays With LZRecruit Network for 10+ Years.
LZRecruit has powered the digital recruitment marketing campaigns for leading media agencies in transportation.
Our Current And Past Projects Include:
"Quote From Dennis Oh And His Pic Too, Mins Is Just A Place Holder, About How Awesome We Are"
Dennis The Man
Conversion Interactive Agency
LzRecruit has been the power behind successful Employer Branding and Candidate Sourcing campaigns for fleets of all sizes.
We offer our services to all companies focused on the transportation industry, working directly with logistics companies while providing white-label service to other recruitment marketing agencies.
LzRecruit Network has seated thousands of qualified Truck Drivers and filled numerous mechanic, warehouse, and other logistics positions.
LzRecruit Network specializes in omnichannel employer branding and candidate sourcing.
LzRecruit customizes our solutions to address each fleet's individual needs.