Trucking Industry Recruitment: What the Supply Chain Means to the Trucking World
According to Trucking.org, America’s truck drivers move 10.23 billion tons of freight every year. That is 72.5% of all freight that is brought into the U.S.!
According to Trucking.org, America’s truck drivers move 10.23 billion tons of freight every year. That is 72.5% of all freight that is brought into the U.S.!
Due to the nature of their jobs, truck drivers are forced to deal with aggressive driving and road rage on, nearly, a daily basis.
The February Jobs Report came out today with numbers that lower than expected numbers, and the January Survey didn’t seem to come out at all.
The inclusion of female drivers in the trucking industry is one that experts say will lead to many benefits.
Automated trucking is coming to the United States, whether the general public is ready for it or not.
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