Trucking Industry Recruitment: Road Rage and Truck Driving

More and more often these days, it seems everyone is reading about incidents of road rage in communities across the U.S.  From small incidents involving a honk and a yell to horrific murders and shooting events, road rage has become a problem for all kinds of drivers.  However, truckers, through their jobs, have to deal with the largest percentage of other drivers and accidents on the roads, so the number of times they witness or are the subject of road rage incidents grows exponentially.  Not only do their large truckloads make their presence unmissable on the road, but truckers also end up being the target of violence due to the size of their vehicles and trailers and the difficulty it takes to drive and stop them.  Just last year, April 23, 2024, a truck driver was killed by the driver of another vehicle after they stopped to have a verbal altercation near a ramp on I-20 in Louisiana.  A quick Google search reveals many such incidents like this, and with so many of them happening in recent months.  What can truckers and trucking companies do to combat this increasingly dangerous problem?

Don’t “Rage Against the Machine” Here

Road rage, also called by its technical term, “Aggressive Driving,” can create unnecessary hazards on the road for all drivers.  There are many reasons for aggressive driving, including mental breakdowns, alcohol and/or substance abuse, or something as simple as running late for work or an appointment.  While none of these reasons excuse someone for driving recklessly, the consequences of these actions can be dangerous, and even fatal, for these drivers and all others on the road. 

For a few quick statistics on road rage from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the American Automobile Association:

  • In 2024, 96% of drivers witnessed an act of road rage.
  • 66% of traffic fatalities are caused by some form of aggressive driving.
  • 30 murders are linked to road rage annually.
  • Millennials are identified as taking part in 50% of all road rage incidents.
  • In the years between 2013 and 2017, 136 people were killed in road rage incidents involving a gun.
  • 54.8% of drivers feel that road rage and distracted driving are equally dangerous.

According to, which studies lawsuits against truckers and trucking companies, “Aggressive driving by truckers poses even greater risks, considering the size and weight of their vehicles.”  While it seems obvious that semi-trucks would be a more dangerous foe in a road rage incident, it doesn’t stop the violence that is escalating between truck drivers and passenger drivers.  Due to the extreme stress of driving a truck, which can be exacerbated by emotional and/or psychological problems and alcohol or drug abuse, truck drivers are just as susceptible to feelings of road rage as anyone else.  Many of these incidents are contained to rude words and gestures and the occasional honking truck horn, but, sometimes, as seen above, things can turn violent quickly.

“All the Rage”?  Not Here!

How do drivers, both professional and passenger, beat the rising heat of a road rage incident?  There are many articles out on the internet about how to calm tempers and feelings, but, after researching many of these, the LZBlog has condensed it down to these main ones:

  • Start your day off on a positive and strong note!  That means eating a proper meal and getting plenty of sleep the night before a big day of driving.  Truckers, and drivers in general, that are tired and hungry are more apt to have a negative attitude on the road, which leads to more instances of aggressive driving and road rage.
  • Practice courteous driving at all times.  This should apply to everyone on the road!  When all drivers stick to the basic driving rules, truckers and passenger car drivers alike are all safer and less likely to be irritated while driving.
  • If a trucker witnesses or becomes part of a road rage incident, the first thing to do is take a deep breath.  While this action may not resolve the situation, it allows the driver to relax and start to calm down some of the aggressive feelings that have sprung up during the day.  A few deep breaths can also transport a driver, mentally, out of almost any stressful situation, allowing the truck driver to regain control over their emotions and make the correct next move.
  • It is important for truck drivers to remember that their cab can be their sanctuary as well.  Keep it clean, have equipment and treats, like drinks and snacks, nearby, and have a favorite music station ready to go.  That way, when a driver is stressed, they have a calming place to retreat!


Due to the nature of their jobs, truck drivers are forced to deal with aggressive driving and road rage on, nearly, a daily basis.  Besides the tips above, it is important for all drivers to remember that everyone is experiencing a different day, and, therefore, it is impossible for someone who cuts a driver off to be doing it on purpose.  Aggressive drivers are not out to get others on the road, even if that is exactly what it seems like at times.  Truckers, passenger cars, and everyone in between has to share the roads, and everyone deserves to get home safe and sound at the end of the day. said it best when they posted “Take a deep breath and remain calm.  It isn’t worth escalating a small problem into a potentially tragic situation.”


Meaghan Goldberg covers recruitment and digital marketing for Lionzone.  A Patterson, GA native, after graduating from both Valdosta State University and Middle Tennessee State University, Meaghan joined Lionzone in 2018 as a digital recruitment strategist before becoming the social media manager.




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